Eremo di Camaldoli in Tuscany

The camaldolese monks of Fonte Avellana wish you peace and give you their welcome.

Don’t miss this tour… ( 1 day )

Through this site, you will be able to pay a virtual visit to the most important areas of the monastery and to get to know some of the precious works of art preserved there.

You will also be able to get in touch with its thousand-year history and to understand our current way of life, which is fed by the monastic spirituality of Saint Romualdo, in keeping with Benedictine tradition.

If you are interested in experiencing our hospitality – composed of prayer, lectio divina and silence – please take note of our annual initiatives, and in particular the weekly offerings during the summer. We are also happy to house guests in the framework of an annual programme at weekends, too, and during the major liturgical feasts.

The “Antica Farmacia“, our chemist’s shop, presents its herbalist products: the fruit of many centuries’ experience by the camaldolese and other Benedictine monks. You will appreciate their quality and their health benefits.

Let us guide you into your visit with this verse:

Yes to the Earth, and to the seas, and to all creatures dwelling there,
Yes to the air, whence comes life, yes to light and shade,
yes to the rhythm of the seasons and to the rhythm of blood,
yes to everything that forms and transforms itself, rising
from dust and returning to it, yes to the other planets and to the stars
right to the most distant, unknown galaxies,
immeasurably bright, even if their light never reaches us.
yes with all my love, as limited as is my time,
yet which just wants to absorb everything in itself, surround everything!
My outstretched arms are merely the beginning of the circle.
But an all-embracing love will complete it.

(Margherita Guidacci)

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