For a charming dinner in one of many restaurants on the Viareggio’s Passeggiata. To don’t miss!

It is known as a seaside resort as well as being the home of the famous carnival of Viareggio (dating back to 1873), and its papier-mâché floats, which (since 1925), parade along the promenade known as “Passeggiata a mare”, in the weeks preceding Easter.

Main sights:

  • Villa Orlandi
  • Villa Borbone (between Viareggio and Torre del Lago Puccini).
  • Villa Puccini, Museum.
  • Monument to the Resistance and to Peace, (largo Risorgimento). The monument is made of columns taken from the old City Hall, destroyed by the aerial bombardments of World War II, and two walls running perpendicular to each other. On one of these a mosaic from Folon can be found together with a quote from Quasimodo: “E come potevamo noi cantare con i piedi stranieri sopra il cuore?”/”And how could we sing with foreign feet trampling onto our hearts?”, 1998, Bruno Belluomini.


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