Tuscan Recipes, Tagliatelle with courgettes and tiger prawns.

250 gm tagliatelle, 300 gm of peeled tiger prawns, 3 courgettes cut into small pieces, 100 ml cream, fresh flat leaf parseley, chopped, a squashed garlic clove in camicia – this means that the garlic clove hasn’t been peeled and still has its shirt on!
Olive oil, freshly ground salt and pepper, freshcourgette flowers for decoration.

Start bt heating a large saucepan of salted water for the tagliatelle. In the meantime, gently fry the garlic in a little olive oil ( keeping the skin on reduces the strength of the garlic ). Remove the garlic and discard it. Using the same pan and oil gently fry the courgettes for about 5 minutes then add the prawns and continue cooking.
When the prawns are cooked add the cream and simmer gently for a few minutes to reduce the amount of liquid and form a creamy sauce.
Add the chopped parsley and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Cook the tagliatelle. This usually takes between 2 and 4 minutes but check the cooking instructions on the packet and taste from time to time to see if it’s ready.
While the pasta is cooking cut the courgette flowers into strips lengthways and fry in a little hot oil.
Drain the pasta and toss in the sauce.
Serve and decorate with the fried courgette flowers.

Buon Appetito!

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