April the time of the year when everything in the garden goes into overdrive and at the same time provides us all with the inspiration or at least the desire for our own little patch to be that bit more special. So here a few ideas or objectives that could help you fulfil that desire.
Once of most obvious yet surprisingly often overlooked point is simply toh ave a tidy up of your garden, land terrace, or balcony. You will be amazed, i certanly am, at how much junk, wood, rubbish and general clutter people allow to build up over time.
Cut the grass or clear that bramble patch that your garden has become, ( a strimmer is a definite must have for these parts).
Next look at what plants and shrubs you do have. Even that spiny acacia growing out of the gap between the terrace and wall can look good with pruning, shaping or just having all the past year’s organic detritus pulled away from underneath.it
Do you have any lurking in dark corners, mybe with a now dead plant buttressing the barbacue or gas bottle? Pull it out and remove the old rootball ( but save the soil or peat) and visit your local nursery for at least a few geraniums if nothing else –I’m not personally a great fan but hey, at least there i san ever greater choice.