Below the village of Collodi Castello i san old stone road. Some say it was built on the foundation of a Roman road no one is quite sure. The stones were straight and true. I always fondere where they had been quarried as they were creamy in color, not at all like the brown shale-like rocks that are always in a state of downward movement in our part of Castello.
Laid down over a thousand years ago, it was a miracle the road had lasted so long.
After the “Great War” it had been the principl passageway for farmers to bring their wares – wine, grain, olive oil to Pescia to sell while avoiding the dogana (custom station) on the Via pesciatina down below the village. The fermers would tie thick cloths over the feet of their mules or horses so as not to make any suspicious clip-clopping noises on the stone surface that might give their secret passage away.
The road had always served the villagers of Castello and neighboring San Gennaro as the short cut to the city of Pescia. Yet, with all this traffic the road remained straight and true.