Il “DESCO” in italian it’s a rather elegant, literaty way of saying “table”.
Not table as in four-legged piece of furniture, but rather table as in “the pleasures of the table”. Or put another way, “enogastronomia” and try saying that without salivating.
For the seriously food and wine-addicted, Lucca’s annual celebration of the table returns to the Real Collegio on 14th novembre and then runs every weekend into december. This year we are promised guided tastings, cookery workshops, special guests, musical entertainment, and the active participation of Lucca’s restaurants, (look out for a new guide “I Pellegrini del Gusto”) as well as the usual full range of local produce from arond the region.
Not be missed. More on what to expert in the estende solida weekend programme for 5-8 december in next month’s Grapevine (featuring “Lucca Slow” devoted to the Slow Food campaign and also the now annual invasion of the Scots) but here are some highlights to look out for in november.
14/15 november
Tasting of Colline Lucchesi and Montecarlo red wines; children’s coockery workshop making “i biscotti della Befana”, cookery demonstration by restaurant Gli Orti di Via Elisa; quick course in wine-tasting;
AML and Frog ballet present Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring”.
21/22 november
Tasting of Colline Lucchesi and Montecarlo red wines; i “tordelli lucchesi” presentation by the International Academy of Italian Cuisine in Lucca; cookery demonstration by the Resaturant L a Tenuta di San Pietro; introducing the organic wines;
Special guest: Azienda Agricola Matteucci, tasting a new olive oil
Dance spectacular by Fuoricentro Danza
28/29 november
French wine tasting featuring fine wines from Burgundy; olive oil and bread/olive oil and fish presentations by the International Academy of Italian Cuisine in Lucca; cookery demonstration by restaurant Il Botton d’Oro of San Lorenzo a Vaccoli; and everything you ever wanted to know about cocktails!
Concert by the Scuola di Musica of Borgo a Mozzano; etno/pop/jazz concert by the band 5 km a Sud.
Entrance is free, for the detailed programme in full, see the site: