Lucca Jazz Donna

Ciao my Friends! A new event for you, music lover, to don’t miss visiting Lucca on March!

Sala Mario Tobino ( Palazzo Ducale )
Incontrarsi di nuovo a Lucca First set
Classico Carioca – omaggio a Chico Buarque.
Second set 3*3 Suites Project. Entrance Free: 21.15 on 6 March

Jazz dal Mondo
First set Virginia Mayhew/Tony Pancella Quartet in the Mary Lau Williams Project. Second set Ratraba-the female4. Tichets Euro 15: 21:15 14 March

Premio Lucca Jazz Donna Competition for emerging female bands. Tichets Euro 8: 21:15 on 17 and 18 March

Ai Confini del Jazz Presentation of emerging bands award and concert with first set Giuliana Soscia & Pino Jodice 4tet and second set Steveland with Claudia Tellini. Tichets Euro 15: 21:15 on 21 March

Le Emozioni del Jazz First set Carla Marciano in a Vito Tommaso project. Second set Gaia Cuatro ensemble. Tickets Euro 15: 21:15 on 27 March

Auditorium Istituto Boccherini

Arrivederci a Lucca Jazz Donna 2011 First Set VJ Vocal Project Choral Orchestra. Second set Sybil Smoot and The New Stompers. Tickets Euro 15: 21:15 on 27 March


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