Tuscan cookery

Farro -Spelt

Farro – Spelt
The Farro of  Garfagnana is a very ancient cereal, cultivated on small plots of land which are low in nutrient levels, in a band from 300 m to 1.000 m above sea level. The sowing heppens in the autumn in pre-prepared ground with the use of the dressed seed, a derivative of the local population of Triticum dicoccum (spelt).
Following the traditional practices of the Garfagnana, the farro production occurs without the use of chemicals or chemical fertilizers, resulting in an organic product.

In the Garfagnana it is polished, or freed from its outer covering, in traditional stone mills and used for typical local recipes – farro soup, farro cake and farro with beans.
The farro of Garfagnana has been recognised with the IGP marque.
There are about 80.90 farms today involved in the cultivation of farro, for a total area of about 100 hectares. The average size is quite small, many farms growing in less than one hectare, while around 10% grow on an area greater than 3 hectares.

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