Tuscany events

State of Mind

Minimal Art & Paradigms

Disarmare, Irritare, Impaurire, Mettersi in gioco.
Four significant verbs which assault the mind when visiting the Minimal Art exhibition at the Lu.C.C.A. Center of contemprary Art.
Of the eight artists exhibiting, six came to Lucca to supervise the installation of their opere and entering the first sala you immediately see why. The immense white walls, the huge empty spaces and the sometimes warm sometimes cold lighting are just as much a part of the exhibition as the works on show. And so is the spectator or, better definition, utente (user). Because you don’t look, you experience.
Disarmed? Irritated? Afraid? Rethinking your fixed values? Well that’s the point.
Monochrome paanels in unique handmade acid shades, smooth or bevelled, opaque or translucent, beckon you in through a perspex outer shell or by dint of mere size and position force you to check your own vantage point.
Recycled wooden boxes, dandelion sculpture, two sided mirrored drawings. There is no one homogeneous theme in the show except your own reactions.
Although Minimal Art dates back to the 50s these works belong to the last two decades. So does that mean art is stuck in a rut and the only way out is provocation for its own sake? Where does creativity go now?
The show running parallel in the gallery’s Underground points a way. If scientific research and science fiction talk up to nine dimensions and technology leaps in ten-year bounds surely our two of three dimensional perceptions put a limit to creative experience. Maria Cristina Finucci’s mobile installation and adjacent video pulls you beyond your known sensorial self, plunging you into a frightening but fascinating unexplored area of your mind, tripping you into an Odyssey in time and space.

State of Mind – The Panza Collection of Minimal Art.
Lawrence Carroll, christiane Lohr, Emil lukas, Lies Kraal, timothy Litzmann, Jonathan Seliger, Sean Shanahan, Roy Thurston.
Paradigms by Maria Cristina Finucci.
Installation in the Underground, Design and works in metal on the ground floor. Both exhibitions run till 27 June.

Open tuesday till Saturday 10,00 – 19.00 and Sunday 11.00 – 20.00
Closed Mondays.

Lu.C.C.A. Center for Contemporary Art.
Via della Fratta 36

WEB SITE: www.luccamuseum.com

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