Lucca: European Feast of Music
Open air musical performances held throughout all European cities on the weekend 19,20 and 21 June.
In Lucca, the Compagnia delle Arti will organise music in Piazza dell’Anfiteatro. Film score choral music, 19 June.
Marco Cattani Group play music inspired by the Invisible Cities of Italo Calvino, 20 June.
Internos Jazz Quartet play original music, 21 June.
S. Cristoforo Church Via Fillungo
Nuove tendenze organise exhibitions and music. Giuseppe Palumbo opera pittorica 1996-2010. 10.30-13.00 and 15.30-21.00 weekends 19, 20, 26 and 27 June, weekdays 15.30-21.00 till 27 June.
Opera in Salotto Belcanto italiano in concert format. Ensemble Suoni Arti, 20.00 on 18 June.
Classic guitar music with Edoardo Pieri, 19.00 and 21.00 on 19 June.
Duo di Tango Argentino 21.00 on 20 June.
Jazz Freaks Trio 21.00 on on 25 June.
Ensemble Nuova Cappella di Palazzo directed by Jonathan Brandani 21.00 on 26 June.
Tribute to Fabrizio De Andrè by the Group Entelchia 21.00 on 27 June.