Immagini del suono (images of Sound)
A series of visual experience to accompany the Summer Festival pop concets. All shows are free.
Immagini che suonano bene (great sounding images). Upstairs: photos, paintings, drawings, rock’n roll portraits, installations by Lou Reed, David Byrne, Patti Smith, Anton Corbijn etc.
Downstairs: videos.
Reckless Road Marc Canter’s photos of Guns N’Roses.
Open tuesday to sunday 10.00-13.00 and 16.00-19.00 till 29 August.
MUSEO VILLA GUINIGI (the Casermetta)
Via della Quarquonia, 4 tel. 0583 496033.
Love me Fender
Photos, drawings, memorabilia dedicated to Fender guitar. Open tuesday to sunday 10.00-13.00 and 16.00-19.00, till 29 August
GALLERIA 38 Via del Battistero
Wonderful Tonight photographic exhibition.
Shots of the Beatles in India, Jeff Beck, Rolling Stones etc. taken by Pattie Boyd. Open monday to saturday 10.00-13.00 and 16.00 to 19.30, till 29 August.
Divas: fro the Dolce Vita to the latest scoop photos from a lifetime’s work by Rino Barillari the King of Paparazzi. Open monday to thursday 10.00-13.00 and 17.00-20.00; same hours and also 21.00-23.00 on friday, saturday, sunday. Till 22 August.
Lu.C.C.A Lucca center of Contemporary Art, Via della Fratta 36.
Steve Mc Curry and Pieatro Gilardi Time after Time. Giuliano Ghelli Le vie del tempo. Otto minuti al sole, un minuto dalla luna. Videoart. Closed mondays. Till 5 September.
Centro Matteucci per l’Arte Moderna
Da Fattori a Casorati. Capolavori dalla collezione Ojetti. Experts have meticulously re-assembled the 19th and 20th century Italian masterpiece collection dispersed when the Florentine home of the writer and art critic Ugo Ojetti was turned into a Hotel. Tuesday – saturday 15.30-19.30 Sunday 14.30-20.00 Closed Mondays. Till 12 September.