Guided tours in Italy: Concerts in Piazza dei Miracoli
This September, The Anima Mundi International Festival of Sacred Music in its Tenth edition has stunning program.
Sir John Gardiner will again conduct seven concerts covering five centuries of sacrd music.
Seven staggering performances of masterpieces, new music and rediscoveries for the pleasure of our ears and heart, ranging from the Vespri della Beata Vergine by Claudio Monteverdi to the music of the young Girolamo Deraco, winner of the 2010 composition contest sponsored by Anima Mundi.
From September 15 through October 1 we can hear music by Monteverdi, Gesualdo, Pergolesi (so much admired by J.S. Bach), Pasquini and Cherubini as well as the music that J.S.Bach, Igor Stravinsky and Sergej Rachmaninov wrote and dedicated to these Italian composers.
Some concerts will be held in the Cathedral, others in the Monumental Cemetery. On September 18 in the Monumental Cemetery Anima Mundi proposes Le Jongleur de Notre Dame by the English composer Peter Maxwell Davies, based on a medieval legend of a juggler entering a convent and having nothing else to donate to S.Mary’s statue than his skill. It contains a message of tolerance and acceptance just right for today.
The various interpreters are represented by instruments and children are expected to take part. The Vespri by Rachamaninov, authentically interpreted by the Moscow State Chapel Chorus will close the festival on October 1 in the Cathedral.
All seven concerts are free and start at 21.00. Tickets available from two days before the concert dates.
Web site: www.opapisa.it