Tuscany – Tortelli di patate

Tortelli potato

Preparing the filling of tortelli:
Boil potatoes

Prepare a soffritto in 10 extra tablespoons of oil with 4 cloves of garlic and parsley abundant.

Add a peeled tomatoes, cook.

In a large container crush the potatoes and unite the soffritto prepared, salt, pepper, nutmeg, 4 tablespoons parmesan cheese and melted butter. Mix well prepared.

Preparation of the pastry:

About a plan to pay the flour and above the 6 eggs, a little ‘salt and knead adding enough water to obtain a soft and elastic dough.

Spread the pastry with a matterello… what’s a mattarello? Learining Italian…

With a glass diameter of 6 cm make floppies.

With a teaspoon take a small amount of batter and put it in the disc, a crescent bend now pressing on the edges.

Cook tortelli in boiling water for about 3-4 minutes.

Elementary good tortelli and serve on the table with plenty of sauce with meat or porcini mushrooms.

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