Tuscany – The singing of trees


Musical entertainment one summer evening in the Botanical Garden in Lucca.

The Lucca Town Council takes care to the promotion of the town, its beauties, its typical aspects which make it unique, such as the town walls, the point of frequent meetings of both visitors as well as citizens.
Nevertheless, there are still some places of interest that remain almost ridde to tourists and forgotten even by the local people.
With the aim to rediscover and enhance these places, this year we have decided to favour the botanical garden that becomes an excellent space of entertainment and relaxation in the summer heat.
The idea to promote this site where historical background is combined with the beauty and scent of plants has met the enthusiasm of local associations and institutions which have joined the project to bring music to the garden.
We offer a weekly programme of music events ranging from classical music, jazz, up to contemporary one which will accompany visitors during their evening walks where the scenery meets art in a unique attraction.

July  9.00 p.m.
Friday 3: “Musica italiana anni ’50, ’60, ‘70”
Friday 10: “I suoni del pianoforte”
Friday 17: “Suoni tra gli alberi”
Friday 24: “Note tra i fiori”
Friday 31: “Jazz all’orto”

August 9.00 p.m.
Friday 7: “Serata con Vivaldi e Bach”
Friday 14: “Tra Rinascimento e Barocco”
Friday 21: “Una serata con l’opera”
Friday 28: “Sinfonia..all’orto”

Events in Tuscany

In 1997 the European Charter for Music estabished two annual dates on which music would be celebrated in the open air in capitals throughout the continent.

Lucca participates with jazz, pop. rock, rhytm and blues, and classical music in Piazza Anfiteatro, Piazza San Frediano and Cortile degli Svizzeri.

Church of San Giovanni; Puccini Concerts: Puccini e la sua Lucca
Recitals organised by Caledonian Academy of Tuscany. Thickets available at the door. More info at Puccini e la sua Lucca – tel. 340 8106042.

Puccini and Mozart. Starts 19.00 on 29 and 30 June.

Tuscany – Lucca Summer Festival


In Tuscany several  open-air concerts are waiting for you!

Each summer in Lucca,  in July , the main square being Piazza Napoleone.
This event has attracted big names for such a small, albeit perfectly formed, names as David Bowie, Alanis Morrisette, James Brown, Van Morrison and others…
Piazza Napoleone – Concerts 2009:
July 05. 2009 – Dave Matthews Band
July 08.2009 – Anastacia
July 10.2009 – Biagio Antonacci
July 11.2009 – Lanny Kravitz
July 15.2009 – Enzo Avitabile ( free concert)
July 16.2009 – James Taylor
July 18.2009 – Burt Bacharach
July 23.2009 – Summer giovani (free concert)
July 24.2009 – Morrison/Macdonald
July 25.2009 – Moby
July 26.2009 – John Fogerty

For reservations and more informations visit the official web-site:

Buy tickets on: TICKET ONE

Calcio Storico Fiorentino Event

Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Torneo di San Giovanni will be in Piazza Santa Croce a Firenze on 13, 14 and 24 giugno 2009.


sabato 13 giugno
ore 17.00 – Bianchi/Rossi

domenica 14 giugno
ore 17.00 –  Azzurri/Verdi

mercoledì 24 giugno (festa del patrono San Giovanni)
ore 17.00 –  Finale

Like every year the Calcio Storico will be preceded from the  Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina that will start from Piazza Santa Maria Novella at 16.00 following Piazza Santa Maria Novella, Via dè Banchi, Via Rondinelli, Via Tornabuoni, Via Strozzi, Piazza della Repubblica, Via degli Speziali, Via Calzaiuoli, Piazza della Signoria, Via della Ninna, Via dè Neri Borgo Santa Croce-Piazza Santa Croce.

Servizio biglietteria presso il Nuovo Box Office – via L. Alamanni, 39-Firenze
tel. 055-210804 www.boxol.it

Tickets Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Torneo di San Giovanni:

Tribuna d’onore centrale  € 40,00 + €  9,00 di prevendita
Tribuna d’onore laterale  € 30,00 + €  9,00 di prevendita
Tribuna numerata   € 20,00 + €  8,00 di prevendita
Tribuna curve    € 15,00 + €  6,00 di prevendita
Tribuna curve    € 15,00 + €  6,00 di prevendita
Information Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Torneo di San Giovanni:
P.O. Manifestazioni sportive, tempo libero e tradizioni popolari fiorentine
Palagio di Parte Guelfa, piazzetta di Parte Guelfa 1
Responsabile: Enrico Palandri
Tel. 055 2616050 Fax 055 2616053
Comune Firenze Linea Comune
Tel.: 055 055

Tuscany, Forte dei Marmi’s Famous Weekly Market

Forte dei Marmi Market Forte dei Marmi offers its rich villa dwellers a Wednesday market that deals in designer clothing, among other things. It is known to offer bargains, it’s the place to go to get cut-price reproductions of expensive designer clothes. The town of Forte dei Marmi is centred around the market and the marble fortress built in 1788.