Tuscany – Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti

Radda in Chianti is situated on Chianti hills, the territory  preserved its charm from many time.
In the 50’s Radda knew the abandonment of its lands and its old farms, but with the rediscovery of the 70’s many old lands were reassessed and the production of olive oil and wine has become a valuable with subsequent recovery in activities of many small and big farms  in the area (entirely within the limits of Chianti Classico). Alongside the production of wine and olive oil, which are known the excellent quality,  new activities have emerged in recent years, field craft and small and medium industries, particularly in the construction industry, furniture, the traditional terracotta and ceramics.

Tuscany – Impruneta

Santa Maria Church
Santa Maria Church

The city is situated near Florence, between the valleys of Greve and Ema streams; Impruneta is “home of Tuscan terracotta and ceramics”.
The most important feature of Impruneta is the Sanctuary of Santa Maria. The basilica dates from 1060, being probably located over an ancient devotional site of Etruscan times (6th century BC). It was an important site of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages.
The basilica was bombed during World War II and now few of the original decorations can be seen. The museum connected to the basilica is home to one of the oldest known pieces of European patchwork, the so-called Impruneta Cushion, dating from the late 14th or early 15th centuries.
The current Madonna’s image is a heavy restoration by Ignazio Hugford from 1758.
The town’s Saint is St. Luc and the saint’s feast day (18th. Oct) is the highlight of a week-long festival with a Palio featuring Horse Racing a carnival and fireworks.

More informations on: www.impruneta.com

Tuscany – The Viareggio GAMC


In spite of sensational posters for the Futuristi centenary Exhibitions in Milan, Rome and other italian cities during the first part of this year i was too lazy to get on a train and actually check them out. Of course i had bumped into the occasional striking painting in galleries abroad, and the flashing, whiriling colours set in the chaos of urban modernity did call for attention. But male glorification of machinery, the exaltation of the large, fast and powerful, the triumph of technology over nature surely something to be taken in small doses?
The 1909 Manifesto of the movement’s founder Marinetti encompassed virulent rejection of tradition, both political and artistic, comprehensible in a young man in a new century.
“We wont no part of it, the past, we the young and strong Futurists” but he also ranted about the cleansing power of war (igiene del mondo) and indeed Futurismi s often linked with Fascism.
However, stunning full page plates of Umberto Boccioni or Giacomo Balla contained in cofee table tomes with stressful titles such as 100 Paintings to See Before you Die sagge away at me, and i have to admit the aesthetics were powerful. I really wanted to know more. What a stroke of luck then that Viareggio should come to the rescue with a genuinely small dose in the shape of the exhibition Il Futurismo a Viareggio e in Versilia.
A stroll along the promenade, some designer window shopping and an hour in the GAMC (Galleria di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea) wouldn’t take much effort.

GAMC “Lorenzo Viani” Palazzo delle Muse, Piazza Mazzini, Viareggio.
Tel. 0584 581118
Open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10.00-13.00 and 15.30-19.00
Entrance euro 3,00
More informations on www.gamc.it/

Desco in Lucca

Real Collegio
Real Collegio

Il “DESCO” in italian it’s a rather elegant, literaty way of saying “table”.
Not table as in four-legged piece of furniture, but rather table as in “the pleasures of the table”. Or put another way, “enogastronomia” and try saying that without salivating.
For the seriously food and wine-addicted, Lucca’s annual celebration of the table returns to the Real Collegio on 14th novembre and then runs every weekend into december. This year we are promised guided tastings, cookery workshops, special guests, musical entertainment, and the active participation of Lucca’s restaurants, (look out for a new guide “I Pellegrini del Gusto”) as well as the usual full range of local produce from arond the region.
Not be missed. More on what to expert in the estende solida weekend programme for 5-8 december in next month’s Grapevine (featuring “Lucca Slow” devoted to the Slow Food campaign and also the now annual invasion of the Scots) but here are some highlights to look out for in november.

14/15 november
Tasting of Colline Lucchesi and Montecarlo red wines; children’s coockery workshop making “i biscotti della Befana”, cookery demonstration by restaurant Gli Orti di Via Elisa; quick course in wine-tasting;
AML and Frog ballet present Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring”.

21/22 november
Tasting of Colline Lucchesi and Montecarlo red wines; i “tordelli lucchesi” presentation by the International Academy of Italian Cuisine in Lucca; cookery demonstration by the Resaturant L a Tenuta di San Pietro; introducing the organic wines;
Special guest: Azienda Agricola Matteucci, tasting a new olive oil www.aziendaagricolamatteucci.com
Dance spectacular by Fuoricentro Danza

28/29 november

French wine tasting featuring fine wines from Burgundy; olive oil and bread/olive oil and fish presentations by the International Academy of Italian Cuisine in Lucca; cookery demonstration by restaurant Il Botton d’Oro of San Lorenzo a Vaccoli; and everything you ever wanted to know about cocktails!
Concert by the Scuola di Musica of Borgo a Mozzano; etno/pop/jazz concert by the band 5 km a Sud.

Entrance is free, for the detailed programme in full, see the site: www.ildesco.eu

Tuscany – November Fest in Pisa


November Fest
, the city of Pisa offers special features and originality of products from 12 to 22 november.
The visitors will find an atmosphere like “October Fest” in Monaco: pork shank, sausage, cheese,  strudel and the famous “Pretzel” a big bread of Bavaria, also great German music.
Eleven days of entertainment with so much beer as “Herrnbrau of Ingolstadt.
Inside the event there is also a playground.

More informations on: www.novemberfestpisa.com
Contacts: info@novemberfestpisa.com
Infoline: NUOVA KROS  050.777176
Where: EXPO Pisa – S.S. 206 Emilia – Ospedaletto