Calcio Storico Fiorentino Event

Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Torneo di San Giovanni will be in Piazza Santa Croce a Firenze on 13, 14 and 24 giugno 2009.


sabato 13 giugno
ore 17.00 – Bianchi/Rossi

domenica 14 giugno
ore 17.00 –  Azzurri/Verdi

mercoledì 24 giugno (festa del patrono San Giovanni)
ore 17.00 –  Finale

Like every year the Calcio Storico will be preceded from the  Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina that will start from Piazza Santa Maria Novella at 16.00 following Piazza Santa Maria Novella, Via dè Banchi, Via Rondinelli, Via Tornabuoni, Via Strozzi, Piazza della Repubblica, Via degli Speziali, Via Calzaiuoli, Piazza della Signoria, Via della Ninna, Via dè Neri Borgo Santa Croce-Piazza Santa Croce.

Servizio biglietteria presso il Nuovo Box Office – via L. Alamanni, 39-Firenze
tel. 055-210804

Tickets Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Torneo di San Giovanni:

Tribuna d’onore centrale  € 40,00 + €  9,00 di prevendita
Tribuna d’onore laterale  € 30,00 + €  9,00 di prevendita
Tribuna numerata   € 20,00 + €  8,00 di prevendita
Tribuna curve    € 15,00 + €  6,00 di prevendita
Tribuna curve    € 15,00 + €  6,00 di prevendita
Information Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Torneo di San Giovanni:
P.O. Manifestazioni sportive, tempo libero e tradizioni popolari fiorentine
Palagio di Parte Guelfa, piazzetta di Parte Guelfa 1
Responsabile: Enrico Palandri
Tel. 055 2616050 Fax 055 2616053
Comune Firenze Linea Comune
Tel.: 055 055

Tuscan Recipes, Chick Pea Veloutè with Vegetable Tartare and Basil Oil

Tuscan Recipes

For the chick pea soup
350  gm chick peas
1 stick celery, roughly chopped
4 shallots ,thinly sliced
1 carrot, roughly chopped
4 dessertspoons olive oil
A sprig of fresh thyme
A sprig of fresh rosemary
3 fresh sage leaves
2 litres water

For the vegetable tartare
1/2 sick celery
1/2 courgette
1/2 carrot
2 shallots
1/2 red pepper
15 fresh leaves basil
50 ml olive oil
salt and pepper

For decoration
4 basil leaves fried in the little olive oil

Soak the stick chick peas for 12 hours or overnight, rinse and put them in the saucepan with 2 liters of water .

Add the carrot and the  celery and pinch of salt and simmer for 1 and  half hours. While the chick peas are cooking, gently fry the shallot in the little olive oil with the thyme leaves, rosemary  needles and sage leaves.

Drain the cooked chick peas over a bowl keeping the cooking water for later. Add the chick peas to the shallot and herbs, add 3 or 4 ladles of cooking water and gently simmer for 10 minutes. Blend into a smooth cream or “veloute” using a hand-held blender, adding  a little more cooking water if necessary.

To make the vegetable tartare,wash and trim all the vegetables, then cut them into small, similar sized cubes. Place the remaining ingredients- the fresh basil leaves, olive oil and salt and pepper-in a tall jug and blend using a hand-held blender.
Dress the vegetable with the basil oil.

Put a small amount of the vegetable tartare in the middle of each of your serving bowls. Its best to use a small metal ring to help keep the vegetables together and create a neater shape. Pour the chick pea veloute around the vegetable tartare, decorate with the fried basil leaves and serve.

Tuscany, Puccini Happy Birthday

The year -long celebration of the 150th anniversary of Puccins birth is now drawing to a close.

His actual birthday  on 22 december will be celebrate musically  with a concert in the Teatro  del Giglio with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and solo artists.

This has been a remarkable year in Lucca  for Puccini fans, old and new,with the opportunity   to see and hear almost his entire works, including  rarely performed operas such as  Le Villi and Edgar.

However , the Buon Compleanno concert is no so much Saynara as See You  Soon since  this gala event will be fallowed on the first of January  by chamber concert with a hour and a half  of some of his  most celebrate arias as well as music by one of his contemporaries, Emilie Tavan, who composed for silent films. In the afternoon what could be nicer after a Hogmanay party.

The 2008  Puccini Project was orchestrated by a number of bodies not  only to give an overview of his work but to help consolidate and develop the commercial and tourism potential of the maestro for the benefit of the Provincie of Lucca, as  a stepping stone to increasing business for hotels and other tourism-related commerce.

This year hotels and restaurants were given opportunity to buy tickets at 10E so they could offer guests and customers  a special package with significant cultural  highlight. The  aim , also, is to stimulate tourism during the off -season-the New years Day concert is an example of this and intended to be annual event.