Tuscany welcomes the Robert Mapplethorpe Exhibition


An exhibition dedicated to great American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, in the twentieth anniversary of his death, will be inaugurated at the Accademia Gallery of Florence on May 26, and run until September 27.
This is the first time that the works of this great internationally renowned artist of photography will be exhibited in a temple of art like the Accademia of Florence, known worldwide as the ‘Michelangelo Museum’ due to the presence of one of the universal icons of art like the David, flanked by the Prisoners, as well as many important paintings by the great masters from the fourteenth century till the full Renaissance.
From its very title, Robert Mapplethorpe, perfection in form, exhibition curators Franca Falletti and Jonathan Nelson intend to express the profound principle that associates the artist of photography with the great Renaissance masters and, in particular, with Michelangelo: the search for balance, the precision and clarity inherent to ‘Form’ that tends toward perfection by means of the geometric rigour of volumes defined by line and sculpted by light.

Exhibithion Hours:
Tuesdays – Sundays, from 8.15a.m.to 6.50p.m.
The ticket office closes at 6.20p.m.
Closed on Mondays
From 28th May to10th September 2009 free entrance to the exhibition on Thursdays from 7.00p.m.to 9.00p.m.
From 7th July to 29th September 2009 opening of the museum and of the exhibition on Tuesdays from 7.00p.m. to 9.00p.m. at the regular price.

Ticket price:
Full rate € 10.00 (including museum entrance)
Concession: € 5.00 for European citizens between 18 and 25 years
Free admission for European citizens under 18 and over 65 years

Web-site: www.unannoadarte.it

Calcio Storico Fiorentino Event

Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Torneo di San Giovanni will be in Piazza Santa Croce a Firenze on 13, 14 and 24 giugno 2009.


sabato 13 giugno
ore 17.00 – Bianchi/Rossi

domenica 14 giugno
ore 17.00 –  Azzurri/Verdi

mercoledì 24 giugno (festa del patrono San Giovanni)
ore 17.00 –  Finale

Like every year the Calcio Storico will be preceded from the  Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina that will start from Piazza Santa Maria Novella at 16.00 following Piazza Santa Maria Novella, Via dè Banchi, Via Rondinelli, Via Tornabuoni, Via Strozzi, Piazza della Repubblica, Via degli Speziali, Via Calzaiuoli, Piazza della Signoria, Via della Ninna, Via dè Neri Borgo Santa Croce-Piazza Santa Croce.

Servizio biglietteria presso il Nuovo Box Office – via L. Alamanni, 39-Firenze
tel. 055-210804 www.boxol.it

Tickets Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Torneo di San Giovanni:

Tribuna d’onore centrale  € 40,00 + €  9,00 di prevendita
Tribuna d’onore laterale  € 30,00 + €  9,00 di prevendita
Tribuna numerata   € 20,00 + €  8,00 di prevendita
Tribuna curve    € 15,00 + €  6,00 di prevendita
Tribuna curve    € 15,00 + €  6,00 di prevendita
Information Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Torneo di San Giovanni:
P.O. Manifestazioni sportive, tempo libero e tradizioni popolari fiorentine
Palagio di Parte Guelfa, piazzetta di Parte Guelfa 1
Responsabile: Enrico Palandri
Tel. 055 2616050 Fax 055 2616053
Comune Firenze Linea Comune
Tel.: 055 055

Tuscany – Volpaia in Chianti

Volpaia in Chianti
Volpaia in Chianti

The Volpaia in Chianti, is a tiny little village with a population of about 50 people, most of whom are employed by a winery of the same name.
We can’t recommend a visit to this town enough. Apart from the wine production and its associated restaurant there is an amazing  restaurant called Ristorante La Bottega. Definitely worth the trip.
There’s a road that eventually leads to Panzano that goes through town, Radda in Chianti can be seen in the hills across the valley from Volpaia.

Tuscany – Matanna mountain

View from Matanna
View from Matanna

A panoramic area of the southern Apuan Alps where the modest heigh of the reliefs is widie compensated by extraordinary beauty of the mountains charcterized by overhangs, rocky towers and green pastures. The starting point for every exursion is the ex Alto Matanna hotel, which can be reached from the Grotta del Vento ( km 20) passing from the Pellegrinetto.
to get the best views we recommend climbing up to the top of Mt. Matanna on foot or at least up until the “Callare”.