Following the terrible events around l’Aquila at Eastertime, there is still an enormous need for funds to support the ongoing work of re-housing famiglie and returning the community to some kind of normality.
In Italy donations can be safely made to Red Cross Italy (CRI) either.
1. By credit card on line through the CRI web site: www.cri.it/donazioni.html ( or any Red Cross site)
2. By bank account Donation s to Conto Corrente Banacario n° 218020 at the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro filiale di Roma Bissolati, Tesoreria via San Nicola da Tolentino 67, Roma. Payments should be made out to Croce Rossa italiana, Via Toscana 12 – 00187 Roma. IBAN: IT66 C010 0503 3820 0000 0218 020. Indicate that payment is Pro Terremoto Abruzzo.
3. Through the Post Office Donations to Conto Corrente Postale n. 300004 made out to Croce Rossa Italiana, Via Toscana 12 – 00187 Roma. IBAN: IT24 X076 0103 2000 0000 0300 004. Indicate that payment is Pro Terremoto Abruzzo.