It’s a Carnival time!
The Carnival Foundation in Viareggio has spent millions to construct the Cittadella where creative men and women spend all their time constructing the second largest papier maché carnival in the world.
It is a modern miracle this carnival, and sure shakes the doldrums out of January through March for hundreds of thousands of fans who travel to the coast at Vaireggio yo enjoy these building size works of art every sunday and fat thuesday too.
All over Lucca, streets are brighter for the coloured “coriandolli” strewn everywhere and the children in their costumes. But here’s some great inside information. If you can be up and in the central piazza at the Cittadella every sunday morning you can watch the floats exit their hangers for free.
For the parade, spring for the euro 15,00 adult rate, kids under 11 are always free, and preteen to 13 are 10,00 euro because the carnival without the noise, music, lights and animated floats is just not to be missed.
Carnival at Viareggio is every sunday from january 31 (begins at 3.00 pm) through february 12 and february 16 pm for fat tuesday.
I suggest some of the most important hotels for your stay in Viareggio:
Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte
Hotel Astor
Hotel Plaza E De Russie
Hotel President
Palace Hotel
Official web-site: www.viareggio.ilcarnevale.com
Be there or be square!