The Clothes Show
Hundred years of fashion is on show in Lucca until the middle of May.
The State Archive in Piazza Guidiccioni (where the open air summer cinema is held) has been rummaging through the family wardrobe and various private collection to display clothes and fashions from the past.
Also using documentary material tailor’s bills and clothes shop accounts, as well as the recently acquired archive from thread makers Cucirini Cantoni Coats, the exhibition “Dal Filo al Vestito” offers a social commentary on how Italians dressed from the md 19th century up to the time of economic boom a century later.
Exhibition runs until 15 May.
To visit you must book by telephone on 0583 491465 or by e-mail at: as-lu@beniculturali.it
Web-site: www.beniculturali.it