The Romanesque parish church of San piero in Campo
The parish church is an important example of Romanesque architecture as it one of the best preserved and it has not been modified either inside or out.
Information about the baptismal church starts from 846, but its current layout is the result of complete reconstruction between the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. Of the original structure there remains only fragments (for example, the two white limestone caaapitals in the blind loggia of the facade).
The building has a nave and two aisles divided by nine monolithic columns in stone, a pilaster faced with wood and brick with five trusses over the nave (restored in 1907); the aisles have a pitched ceiling and there is one apse. References to the compositions and decorations that charcterise its aarchitecture are found in the church of Sant’Alessandro and in San Michele in Foro in Lucca.